theEast HD

4.1 ( 4191 ratings )
Rejse Livsstil
Forfatter: Hopewell Real Estate Agency Limited

theEast HD 特色
-「Tap!著數」:theEast HD餐廳眾多,親朋聚會選哪一間?只須輕搖手機,即可取得推介食肆資訊及最新美食優惠,搵食冇難度。
- QR追蹤:附設QR code追蹤鏡頭,只須以追蹤鏡頭對準場內海報之QR code,極速下載滋味優惠及更多新驚喜。
- 灣仔名勝:灣仔名勝古蹟一覽無遺,地圖定位帶你隨身導賞特色地標,體驗新舊共融的獨特地方文化。
- 商戶指南:提供時尚食府及潮流商舖詳盡資料,一按直撥,方便訂座及查詢。

theEast HD 簡介
由合和中心、QRE Plaza、胡忠大廈及GARDENEast組成theEast HD,薈萃超過二十多間國際級食肆與生活潮流商店舖,是灣仔新興潮流地標。
theEast HD 座落於灣仔皇后大道東心臟位置,信步即達灣仔港鐵站,交通便捷;更提供全港最長14小時免費通宵泊車優惠,方便夜遊人晚上聚餐暢飲,締造與別不同的娛樂及餐饗體驗。

地址:灣仔皇后大道東 183, 202, 213 及 222號
顧客服務熱線:2527 7292

theEast HD Specials
- Tap! for Jetso: Where to go for the next dinner gathering venue? Simply tap out the recommended restaurant with special dining offers! Enjoy now!
- QR Camera: Snap the QR codes from theEast HD in-mall posters to find out more tasty and exclusive dining and shopping offers.
- Wan Chai Hot Spots: Let the App guide you to the heritage and cultural spots in Wanchai, discover the one-of-a-kind old meets new local experience.
- Shopping and Dining Directory: Stay abreast of theEast HD’s happenings. The directory offers detailed information of all restaurants and shops with quick dialing function available for you to make booking reservations

About theEast HD
theEast HD, comprising Hopewell Centre, QRE Plaza, Wu Chung House and GARDENEast, offers a over 20 types of palate-pleasing cuisines and a leisure shopping experience. theEast HD is famous for its long list of international restaurants and trendy lifestyle stores, making it an exciting entertainment destination.

Located at the heart of Queen’s Road East Wanchai, theEast HD is just minutes away from Wan Chai MTR station. To enrich your social lives, it offers the longest overnight 14-hour free parking, planning a late night out has never been easier!

Address: 183, 202, 213, 222, Queens Road East, Wan Chai
Customer Service Hotline: 2527 7292
Customer Services Centre: 3/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai